Quality System to manage the company with awareness and responsability


Suincom has structured its own processing plant in Solignano in 5 production lines diversified by type of processing, in order to offer specific products always responding to customer requests.

Suincom's Quality System allows you to manage the company with awareness and responsibility and is a method to meet customer needs, respect the environment, have safe workplaces and provide a certified product with high standards quality.

Since 1996 Suincom has developed a sanitary knowledge of health and a quality management system that has allowed us to obtain important certificates of quality:

The company is also equipped with a self-control system (HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point), always evolving and continuously improving, constantly in line with the provisions of current regulations.

The quality management system is based on the following key elements:

Compliance with the principles set out is constantly monitored by specially trained personnel, verified during internal audits and debated during periodic meetings with the Management.

Technology, safety, quality and professionalism to differentiate and distinguish themselves : this is the philosophy of Suincom, philosophy that has led to a real POLICY OF QUALITY